Friday, January 9, 2009


when we first met
i smiled at her
and she frowned
and then she told me
ever since she
could remember
she had always had
a fear of clowns

and then we decided
to settle down
we had a daughter
and every morning
we sent her to the well
to get some water
but one day
she brought back
the bucket full of blood

we walked to the well
and pointed a flashlight
into the darkness
and at the bottom
we saw the clown
bleeding and lifeless
this was the first time
i ever heard her laughter
and then we lived
happily ever after


S. Pajot (stickitminister) said...

The first time I read it, I was deciding to hate it about half-way. But then you made a subterranean stab at total craziness and the first half became as genius as the rest. Right now, I think this is probably the best thing on the blog.

Marta Xochilt Perez said...

A little disturbing and intense ... very you.